Benefits of Sea Moss

Cures Anemia

Irish moss combats anemia by preventing iron deficiency and maintaining the red blood cells as well as the hemoglobin count.

Source of Energy

The iron content of Irish moss helps in quick transportation of oxygen to your body cells.

Treats Thyroid Disorders

Sea moss has an abundant amount of DI-Iodothyronine, which gets broken down by T3 that makes it an apt choice for treating the thyroid gland.

Relieves Respiratory Problems

Being a potent source of potassium chloride, this sea moss dissolves the catarrhs or the phlegm and inflammation of the mucous membrane to prevent congestion.

Boosts mental health

Sea moss has high amount of potassium, which are essential for the smooth functioning of your body cells. It also helps in improving the concentration and improves the muscle strength.

Enhances Skin

Sea Moss is rich in sulfur, which enables it to produce a serious beauty boost. You can make an Irish moss gel and apply it directly on your face. Alternatively, you can blend it in your smoothies to enjoy these benefits. The plant is also effective in rehydrating dry skin.

Increased Sex Drive

Sea Moss is known for increasing libido and energy and promotes healthy sexual function- Due to the generous amount of zinc and other minerals that are vital for reproductive function and health, sea moss is great for anyone who desires an increased sex drive.

  • Eat it

    Take it Plain

  • Mix It In

    Mix it into your favorite foods. Ex: Salads, Yogurt, Oatmeal

  • Juice It

    Add to your smoothies or favorite drink

  • Rub It In

    Apply seamoss directly to your skin or hair

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